Agaro has launched the AGARO Galaxy Digital Air Fryer in India. As an Indian company, Agaro aims to cater to price-conscious consumers with this new air fryer model, positioning it as a lower-priced option within the air fryer market segment. Boasting a 4.5-liter capacity and a power output of 1400 watts, this model offers a range of features including 7 preset cooking options, a digital display, and more. Let’s delve into the comprehensive specifications of the AGARO Galaxy Digital Air Fryer, as well as its pricing and availability.
Features and Specification: AGARO Galaxy Digital Air Fryer
Constructed using a combination of plastic and stainless steel materials, the Agaro Galaxy digital air fryer weighs 3.8 kg. It comes equipped with a non-stick rounded air fryer basket. Under the hood, this kitchen appliance is powered by a 1400-watt heating coil, coupled with 360-degree air circulation technology. The company claims that this technology reduces oil usage by up to 90%. The device is controlled through a digital display and touch buttons, offering 7 preset cooking options including Bake, Roast, Toast, and Reheat.
The preset cooking options encompass a variety of dishes, such as French fries, Chicken leg, Shrimp, Cake, Steak, Fish, and Ribs. The appliance allows for a temperature range of 80-200°C and can be set with a timer that goes up to 120 minutes. In terms of safety features, the device boasts an Auto Shut-off function and Overheat protection.
Agaro also provides a 2-year warranty for this air fryer model. It’s noteworthy that the AGARO Galaxy Digital Air Fryer follows the launch of the AGARO Imperial Dual Basket Digital Air Fryer, which features dual air fryer baskets, a power output of 2400 watts, and a 4.5-liter capacity. With the introduction of the Galaxy model, Agaro seeks to address the lower-capacity air fryer market segment.
Price and Availability
In terms of pricing and availability, the AGARO Galaxy Digital Air Fryer is currently available for purchase on Amazon and Agaro’s official website. The starting price for this model is Rs 4,499, and it is exclusively offered in black.
Information and Image Source AGARO
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