The boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds’ price has dropped by Rs 200, and they are now available for Rs. 1,299 instead of the original price of Rs. 1,499. This marks the second-lowest price available on Amazon for these earbuds. A discount of Rs. 200 has been applied to the boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds on the e-commerce site, bringing the price down to Rs. 1,299. Additionally, there are bank offers and exchange deals available. Using the HSBC Bank credit card can save you up to 5%.
Featues and Specification: boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds
The boAt Airdopes 170 TWS Earbuds boast a 13mm audio driver, Quad Mics noise cancellation, and the signature boat sound. They come with a plastic body weighing 40g and hold an IPX4 Rating, making them resistant to water. These earbuds are controlled via touch and can also access voice assistants. The design is further customized with extra ear tips included.
The TWS Earbuds are available in three colors: black, blue, and white, offering a variety of options to choose from.
With Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity, which includes a 50ms low latency rate, these earbuds can be used without experiencing any lags. They also feature IWP for fast pairing.
The earbuds provide a 50-hour battery backup with the charging case, in addition to 10 hours with a single earbud. A 10-minute fast charging (ASAP) offers 180 minutes of playtime. Charging is done through a USB Type-C port and takes approximately 1.5 hours.
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