In an exciting move, Lava, a prominent Indian smartphone brand, is set to make its mark in the wearable market with the launch of its first-ever smartwatch, the Lava ProWatch. It is expected that it will cater to the need for an affordable price range. It will be unveiled on the 23rd of April 2024, this innovative look promises to be a game-changer in the world of wearable technology. Let’s take a closer look at features, specifications, and pricing details.
Lava has already gained a loyal customer base with its range of feature-rich and budget-friendly smartphones.
Features and Specification
One of the notable features of the Lava Pro Watch is its elegantly designed round dial with an AMOLED Panel. The smartwatch comes in a variety of stylish straps, allowing users to personalize their look to match their style.
The smartwatch boasts a vibrant and responsive touchscreen, enabling seamless navigation through various apps and functionalities. Furthermore, it offers a variety of health and fitness tracking capabilities, including heart rate monitoring, step counting, and sleep tracking, to keep users informed about their well-being.
The Lava Pro Watch is compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. Users can easily connect their smartwatches to their phones and receive notifications on their wrists.
Price and Availability
The Lava Pro Watch will be launched on 23rd April 2024. It is expected to be launched under an affordable price range.