Flipkart is currently offering a price cut on the Prestige Deluxe Plus VS 750 W Juicer Mixer Grinder (5 Jars), with the price dropping by Rs 2,310. It is now available for Rs. 4,490, down from the original price of Rs. 5,800. This marks the lowest price for this Juicer Mixer Grinder on Flipkart. The discount of Rs 2,310 is automatically applied on the Flipkart e-commerce website, bringing the price down to Rs. 3,490. Additionally, you can avail of a 5% cashback on this Juicer Mixer Grinder with the Flipkart Axis Bank credit card. This is the lowest price for this juicer mixer grinder this year.
The Prestige Deluxe Plus VS 750 W is a Juicer Mixer Grinder that comes with five jars, including a juicer extractor, a chutney jar, a dry jar, a wet jar, and 1 mix-on-the-go jar. Among these, 3 jars are constructed with stainless steel, while 2 jars are made of transparent plastic ABS material.
The company has equipped this juicer mixer grinder with a 750-watt motor for juice extraction and mixing grinding. It features a three-level control knob. All five jars are equipped with stainless steel blades of varying sizes.
On the bottom, there’s an anti-skid base that enhances stability, along with an underneath cord winder. The coupler, made of plastic material, connects the jar to the main unit.
The appliance includes a juice jar extractor, which is used for making milkshakes, banana shakes, and liquid-type recipes, with a capacity of 1.5 liters.
The company provides a 2-year warranty with this juicer mixer grinder.
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