User Posts: Surendra Verma

Let's explore the best gas stoves in India from the top-selling cooktop brands. Below is a comprehensive buyer's guide and a compilation of the top gas ...


Discover the best chimney brands in India that are not only stylish and elegant but also powerful, offering silent operation and more. Explore the top chimney ...


Discover the affordable projector, they provide a mini-theater experience right in the comfort of your home.


Let's explore the best soundbars for your home entertainment through this buyer's guide of the best soundbar under 10000 in India.


Let's discover the top 10 soundbars for under ₹15,000 for home entertainment.


The soundbar, a modern speaker boasting a compact and sleek design, represents a technological leap in wireless audio. Equipped with Bluetooth and various ...


This article features the top 5 best Bluetooth speakers under 20000 rupees. We have compiled a list of diverse Bluetooth speakers within the 20,000 rupee ...


If you want a great projector without breaking the bank, you're in the right spot! We're exploring the best projectors under 20,000, keeping things simple and ...


Why does your home need a kitchen chimney? Discover the necessity and benefits of a kitchen chimney. Read our guide to choose the best one for your home.


In the ever-evolving landscape of kitchen appliances, the induction cooktop has emerged as a versatile and portable kitchen companion, revolutionizing how we ...

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Browsing All Comments By: Surendra Verma
  1. Hi Danny,
    Yes, it is an original product from Morphy!

  2. Thank you Dilrajhasan ansari for your appreciation!

  3. Thank you For your kind words!

  4. Thank you for your reply and kind words!
    Yes Racold is one of the reliable brand and you can buy it for home though.

  5. Thank you Deepak for your valuable time and necessary suggestion. We will make a dedicated series for the best thermal printers.

    Thank You So Much!

  6. Thank you for you appreciation Disksha!

  7. No, we are not seller, we just provide top best products. If you want to buy, just make an order directly form amazon or you can contact with the seller for bulk order

  8. Thank You for such appreciation

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