WhatsApp, a Meta-owned messaging application, has introduced a new feature that allows users to have multiple WhatsApp accounts logged in at the same time. This updated feature will save users the time and hassle of logging out each time or carrying two phones. In this article, we will discuss the upcoming update for WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is the world’s most widely used mobile messaging application, and it has always strived to make the user experience more convenient. In 2023, WhatsApp rolled out another update, enabling users to have multiple accounts logged in simultaneously.
Steps to Manage Multiple WhatsApp Accounts
To set up multiple accounts, WhatsApp requires users to have a second phone number, SIM card, or a phone that supports multi-SIM or eSIM functionality. Users can then access their WhatsApp settings by opening the app and selecting “Add account” by clicking the arrow next to their name.
This feature facilitates seamless switching between accounts, whether it’s for personal or work-related purposes. Additionally, Meta has stated that this feature will take some time to become available worldwide.