User Posts: Surendra Verma

Stopping mobile data for specific apps is now straightforward. This action prevents certain apps from using the internet connection and running in the ...


Microwave ovens are an essential component of any kitchen. Unlike other kitchen appliances that may be considered luxuries, microwaves play a significant role ...


Are you searching for the best kitchen solution, especially when it comes to ovens and OTGs that fit your needs? Look no further than our comprehensive guide ...


In today's modern kitchens, demand increased for smart appliances that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. If you seek innovation with efficiency, ...


Are you in the market for a printer that meets all your needs without frequent technical hiccups, and at an affordable price? You're in luck! In this article, ...


If you're searching for the best photo printer in India, we've got you covered in this article. The precision, color fidelity, and sharpness of a printed ...


A printer is a crucial component of your office, business, enterprise, and, of course, any workplace where you need to scan, copy, and print. Whether it's ...


In today's fast-paced digital age, the demand for efficient and rapid printing solutions has never been higher. Best Laser Printers for Faster Printing cater ...


"GSM" stands for grams per square meter, and it's a metric used to measure the weight and typically the thickness or density of paper. The higher the GSM ...


If you are confused about paper size while taking prints for different types of documents such as your identity cards, educational documents, official prints, ...

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Browsing All Comments By: Surendra Verma
  1. Hi Danny,
    Yes, it is an original product from Morphy!

  2. Thank you Dilrajhasan ansari for your appreciation!

  3. Thank you For your kind words!

  4. Thank you for your reply and kind words!
    Yes Racold is one of the reliable brand and you can buy it for home though.

  5. Thank you Deepak for your valuable time and necessary suggestion. We will make a dedicated series for the best thermal printers.

    Thank You So Much!

  6. Thank you for you appreciation Disksha!

  7. No, we are not seller, we just provide top best products. If you want to buy, just make an order directly form amazon or you can contact with the seller for bulk order

  8. Thank You for such appreciation

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